Wednesday, October 22, 2008

SNL Palin

It's been an ongoing skit on the most recent Saturday Night Live shows this season. Tina Fey portraying Sarah Palin. I've seen all of them and they are actually pretty amazing; due to the great performance my Tina Fey. Last week, the show actually had the real Palin on during two skits. First, the opening scene where Alec Baldwin thinks he is talking to the fake Palin, but is actually talking to the real Palin. She was in the weekend update sketch. During this scene, Amy Pholler sang a rap about Palin, while the republican vice presidential candidate danced and "raised the roof". It was very funny, but it seemed weird that she would happy about them making fun of her. I hope they keep doing these sketches because Fey does a spot on Palin and does her little quirks really well.

Here is the link to the weekend update rap provided by

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